Thursday, March 18, 2010

Beautiful Evening

This evening Bryan's parents invited us down for supper. The weather was so nice that Bryan and Kaleigh walked down. Kaleigh would live outside I think if we let her. Bryan's parents have three motorized jeeps for the girls and although Kaleigh does not know how to drive the jeep she will lay on the pedal and go!! Bryan got one of the jeeps out for her to ride this evening! She had so much fun. We are all looking forward to warmer weather and being able to spend more time outside!!
This picture was taken in the fall when Kaleigh first got the jeep. There are two different speeds and here she is in high speed. We really had to watch her because she would look at us when she was driving and had no concept of how to steer.

Kaleigh waiting for Daddy to walk down

Cassidy watching

Kaleigh ready to ride!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Finger Painting

I have been wanting to get finger paint for Kaleigh so Bryan and I finally picked some up this weekend when we were out. Kaleigh had a wonderful time enjoying it and so did Cassidy.
Bryan put some on her nose and then she wanted it all over her arms and face.

Daddy and Kaleigh finger painting.
Daddy showing Cassidy

Precious little fingers!!