Saturday, March 23, 2013


We decided to sign the girls up for gymnastics and their first class was today. It's in Broadway so it's nice that we don't have to drive to Harrisonburg.
Kaleigh practicing a handstand.

Kaleigh and Cassidy loved these mats!!

Cassidy is definitely the go getter out of the two and I'm glad they are taking the class together. Cassidy was so eager to try anything the teacher asked. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Girls and their toys

We recently got a 4-wheeler for the girls from a neighbor that they are no longer using. Dale needed to do a few things to get it going and the girls love it. It will stay down at Bryan's parents house, because they have more area for them to ride. Today, Bryan took Kaleigh and Cassidy down to ride it and as always it's a HUGE hit!!

Kaleigh is the go getter and the one who is willing to try anything. Today Cassidy began to feel more at ease with driving it and seemed to go really fast (as you can tell in this picture). :)

We did purchase a helmet for the girls that came today in the mail. The girls are all excited because it has pink butterflies!! :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013


The girls have loved being out in the snow. Yesterday they were so eager to go out to play. It's been nice being home and I'm so thankful we never lost our power. Today is day two of not having school.
Abby enjoys the snow, but sure puts up a fight to get her dressed and ready to go out in it.

 The girls going down the slide!!

I must admit, I am ready for spring!!


Cassidy just this week discovered that she loves showers. Kaleigh's been taking showers probably since she's been three, but Cassidy never wanted to take them. On Tuesday, the girls needed baths and Kaleigh talked Cassidy into taking a shower upstairs. What do you know...........she LOVED it!!! Yesterday she took two showers. One after playing in the snow in the shower upstairs and one in the evening downstairs.
It is 6:50 a.m. and Cassidy asked to take a shower!!